On my contents page I tried to keep the same colour scheme as the one created on the front cover. The masthead on this page is using the same font, but I made it slightly transparent to show that it is less important than the rest of this text, but added a drop shadow to make it still stand out. Beneath this I added the word Contents to show what the page is about, I coloured this pink to make it stand out against the background and the masthead.
In my questionnaire I found out that only 20% of people would be willing to subscribe to the magazine, thus I decided to create an offer that would entice readers to subscirbe by offering 50% off. I advertised this offer at the top of the page, the text is bright yellow which adds attention, and I also used capital letters to capture attention. The background colour of this text is a pale purple; keeping to the colour scheme and also in an interesting shape to attract the audience.
The 'on the cover' section is conventional of magazines, it allows the audience to track the articles that captured their attention in the first place quickly and easily. Therefore I decided to keep to this trend, and used capitals to make it seem more important than the general articles located at the bottom. The colour I used was pink, and also used an outer glow to make it stand out against the background. I used this same outer glow on the pictures to create somewhat of a theme.
The pictures that I used I think portray college life pretty well, there are a couple of pictures of friendship groups, which can relate to the audience, and also a picture of a college party atmosphere. I used this picture because it relates to one of the articles that I included in the magazine.
The background that I used was a pale blue colour, I used this because I wanted to try and tie the cover and the contents page together through colour scheme, although I do think that I should have used a picture instead, to relate to my audience better. If I was to do this again, I think I would try and make my magazine look more professional.
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